Bullying is defined as a form of repeated, persistent and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another person's body, feelings, self-esteem or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.
Schools are encouraged to use this opportunity to explain the different forms bullying can take. These include:
•Physical – hitting, shoving, stealing or damaging property
•Verbal – name calling, mocking, or making sexist, racist or homophobic comments
•Social – excluding others from a group or spreading gossip or rumours about them
•Electronic (commonly known as cyberbullying) – spreading rumours and hurtful comments through the use of cellphones, e-mail, text messaging and social networking sites
The London District Catholic School Board and St. Mary's Catholic High School encourages you to Take the Pledge against Bullying:
St. Mary's Catholic High School has a group of 34 dedicated students as part of their GST Student Safety Squad. They will be running events each day this week in support of anti-bullying.
- prayers each day
- bullying stat to be read each day over the pa
- Start a Chain Reaction act of kindness activity from Rachel's Challenge
- Pledge cards
- Rachel's Banner signing at lunches
- positive messaging posters and banners
- fun, positive message music before the school day begins in the forum
- lunch hour activities in caf and forum
- Andy Thibodeau speaking
- Leadership Session with Andy for GST SSS & SAC
We hope that these activities raise awareness and educate students about bullying behaviours, but more importantly how to treat one another with kindness, fairness, respect, compassion, dignity and forgiveness.
On display and available for borrowing at St. Mary's Catholic High School Library are the books seen in the following video: